Vatnsmeðferð sem umbreytir strax kranavatni í næstum náttúrulegt fiskabúrsvatn sem hentar fiskum – núna með BioExtract fyrir heilbrigt og tært vatn.
Inniheldur viðbótarvítamín og steinefni til að halda fiskinum líflegum og heilbrigðum.
Skammtar: 5 ml fyrir 10 lítra af vatni.
- Tetra AquaSafe neutralises substances in the tap water that are harmful to fish: elimination of chlorine as well as highly effective and permanent binding of heavy metals such as copper, zinc and lead
- Adds essential substances from the fish’s natural habitat that tap water cannot provide: iodine for vitalisation of the fish, magnesium to promote growth and well-being, vitamin B to combat stress
- Gills and mucous membranes are effectively protected by noticeable care colloids in Tetra AquaSafe
- The new BioExtract formula with natural biopolymers promotes the growth of useful bacteria for healthy and clear water