Wellington fuglabúrið er traust búr sem hentar fyrir meðalstóra og stóra páfagauka.
Mál vöru: 90cm x 60cm x175cm
Búrið er afhent ósamsett en í kössunum er eftirfylgjandi:
• 1 front panel with door and lock
• 1 back panel
• 2 side panels *
• 1 roof grid
• 1 floor grid with handle
• 2 closed trays
• 4 ladders
• 1 metal support with wooden perch
+ 2 cup holders
• 2 skirts long
• 2 skirts short
• 4 cup holders
• 6 cups
• 4 wheels
• 8 mini screws (M5 x 8 mm) with nuts
for assembling the skirts
• 8 medium screws + nuts (M6 x 12
mm) for assembling the cup holders
• 2 screws + nuts (M6 x 25 mm) with
nuts for assembling the play pen + 4
screws to fix ladders (M6 x 25 mm)
• 12 large screws (M6 x 25 mm) for
assembling the cage
• 2 short wooden perch
• 2 long wooden perch
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